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    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

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    loc de muncă

    caut muncitor în străinătate la pavaj Și pe escavator

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    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • 2

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • 4

    Bună ziua !

    Departamentul Financiar și Departamentul Leader-Ship caută Secretară cu vârsta cuprinsă între 19-40 ani, fizic plăcut, disponibilă de a efectua călătorii naționale și internaționale, posesia permisului categ.B constituie un avantaj, vorbitoare de limba engleză, franceză, rezistența la stres, având capacități de comunicare, lucrând în echipă cu posibilitatea ca din luna Iunie să promoveze pe funcții importante profesional. Nr. de contact , trimiteți CV dvs. cu poză pe Nr. de WhatsApp sau la adresa de email Indiferent de hotărârea luată veți primi un răspuns. Persoanele admise i se vor comunica adresa unde vor susține un interviu. Vă mulțumim !

  • 4

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • 7

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send CV to info @

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    Activam Curieri TAZZ

    Firma partenera Tazz face colaborări cu curieri in orașele - Buzau - Constanta - Cluj - Botosani - Pitesti - Bucuresti - Arad - Craiova - Targu Mures - Brasov - Oradea - Deva - Satu Mare Program flexibil, se stabileste inainte si poate fi modificat in functie de necesitate. Plata se face saptamanal! Cerințe: Este necesar sa dispuneti de un mijloc de transport propriu sau inchiriat( scuter, masina) Varsta minima 18 ani Un smartphone cu Android sau iOS Seriozitate, o buna capacitate de a lucra in echipa, dornic de a-si mari constant veniturile, respectos si responsabil. Responsabilitatile postului: Tot cea ce trebuie sa faci este sa ridici comanda de la parteneri nostri( restaurante magazine) si sa o livrezi in conditii optime clientului. La baza acestui job sta o aplicatie care iti arata de unde trebuie ridicata comanda si unde trebuie livrata. Daca te-am facut macar un pic curios, te asteptam sa ne contactezi telefonic sau pe Whatsapp la numerele de telefon: sau adresa de e-mail https: HQtMApEfVwPNxbubA

  • 4

    Agent Imobiliar - Arad

    Descrierea companiei: ELEGANCE IMOBILIARE este o Agentie Imobiliara care ofera intermediere si consultanta profesionala in domeniul Real Estate. Candidatul ideal: - Dornic sa invete si sa se perfectioneze continuu; - Optimist și focusat pe rezultate; - Responsabilitate, seriozitate, punctualitate și cu spirit antreprenorial; - Bune abilitati de comunicare si negociere; - Tinuta office (business); - Detinator de permis conducere categoria B si autoturism; - Promptitudine in realizarea sarcinilor, abilitati de munca in echipa; - Experienta in vanzari constituie un avantaj; Atributii: - Prospectarea pietei imobiliare in vederea crearii unui portofoliu cu imobile/terenuri/spatii comerciale; - Organizarea de vizionari cu potentialii clienti in vederea achizitionarii imobilelor/terenurilor/spatiilor comerciale; - Administrarea bazei de date cu proprietati; - Promovarea ofertelor prin intermediul mijloacelor de comunicare puse la dispozitie; - Promovarea proprietatilor din portofoliu in mediul online; Beneficii: - Contract de colaborare - Comision atractiv in functie de performante; - Program de lucru flexibil; - Telefon de serviciu; - Acces gratuit la toate materialele/platformele detinute de Agentie; - Promovare gratuită în cadrul celor mai importante site-uri de vanzari imobiliare din Romania; Aveti spirit antreprenorial si va place interactiunea cu oameni noi? S-ar putea sa fiti noul nostru Agent Imobiliar! Aplica acum!

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    Montator Mobila

    Cautam montatori mobila disponibili pentru executarea serviciului de montare a oricarui tip de mobilier, de la orice producator, in sistem de colaboare pe baza de contract legal. Orasele vizate: Bucuresti, Ilfov, Timisoara, Brasov, Iasi, Constanta, Pitesti, Ploiesti) Conditii necesare: - Sa aiba experienta minima de 2 ani in montarea mobilierului (inclusiv: decupaje blaturi bucatarie, modificari ale mobilierului la fata locului daca e cazul) - Sa fie persoane civilizate, responsabile, serioase, atente la detalii - Sa aiba cunostinte de interpretarea a desenului tehnic - Sa acorde respect clientilor cat si lucrarilor in aceeasi masura Cei interesati de o posibila colaboare trebuie sa ia in calcul ca trebuie sa aiba masina ca sa se poate deplasa la clienti, scule pentru executarea serviciului de montaj. Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita cv-ul/portofoliu de lucrari pe sau sa ne contacteze la nr 0724511372

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