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Valabil din 11.11.2024 15:04:02
Repostat automat
Numele companiei
Urban Socializing
Tip job
full time
Job Location: Constanta

Role description:

- Bookkeeping Management: Accounting registration and daily accounting management, as well as the preparation of month-end closings.
- Administration Management: Daily customer service management, supplier invoice management, bank reconciliation (and bank transaction registrations) and a problem-solving approach for administrative incidences, among others.
- Month-end Closing: Preparation and reporting of month-end closings in collaboration with other departments, and reporting preparing for Management and Headquarters.
- Taxes review: Preparation of the information for tax calculation (VAT, CIT, withholding,) and review of them.
- Treasury Management: Follow-up and management of the company treasury, trying to optimize it and being proactive. - - Establishment of controls and procedures on accounts receivable and accounts payable, preparation of treasury forecasts. Relationship with banks and with the electronic bank portal.
- Planning and Coordination: Develop and implement admnistrative controls, procedures and effective strategies in order to optimize the internal procedures, assuring the efficiency of the resources in a continuous improvement atmosphere.
- Interdepartamental collaboration: Work closely with other departments and other subsidiaries in order to guarantee a - fluent and effective communication and a proper implementation of administrative procedures.
- Budgeting and ad-hoc reports: Take part in the elaboration of the yearly Budget, subsequent forecasts as well as the preparation of ad-hoc reports requested by Management. Supervision of the financial activities of the company in order to assure the fulfilment of the financial goals of the company.

Profile :

- Professional Experience: Minimum 4 years of experience in administrative and accounting roles, preferably in the logistics sector. Experience in accounting management and taxes.
- Education: Degree in Finance, Accounting, Business Management or similar.
- Technical skills: Strong knowledge of administrative softwares and ERPs, as well as advanced skills on Microsoft Office (Microsoft Excel).
- Soft Skills: Good communication skills, with a proactive and continuous improvement approach, ability to look other -departments and tasks in order to improve the company work-flow.
- Communication: Strong written and verbal communication in English, advanced level (B2 C1). Romjob_1730726063

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