Angajam Livratori Tazz Glovo Bolt

Angajeaza livratori pt platforma Tazz by Emag in toata Tara , cautam si subcontractori , detinatori de PFA sau SRL.
Avem cele mai competitive comisioane, rasplatim performanta si disciplina .
Pentru anumite orase putem pune la dispozitie si vehicule .
Vrei sa devii livrator? Hai intr-o echipa dedicata , avem comisioane competitive ( se poate lucra atat la comision cat si pe salariu ) bonusuri si concursuri cu premii pentru toti livratorii.
Ne poti scrie pe whatsapp sau ne poti gasi la tel 07 arata numarul 199 273
It hires deliverers for the Tazz by emag platform all over the country, we are also looking for subcontractors, PFA or srl holders.
We have the most competitive commissions. we reward performance and discipline.
For certain cities we can also provide vehicles.
Do you want to become a delivery person, join a dedicated team, we have competitive commissions (you can work both on commission and on salary), bonuses and contests with prizes for all delivery people.
You can write to us on whatsapp or you can find us on tel. 07 arata numarul. Publi24_1727600645 Romjob_1727600886
Anunțuri recomandate
Pentru a contacta acest utilizator, intră în contul tău sau creează-ți rapid un cont nou!